Ability - Potential , Academic - Study, Actually - In fact, Should - ought to, A number of - A range of, a series of, Appearance - Look, scene, visual, view, Specific - Particular, proper, a/an, Abandoned - Derelict, effect - Impact, Agriculture - Food production, farming, Almost every - Most, majority, mainly, Alone - Exclusively, only, solely, Although - Despite, however , Animals - Wildlife, lifestock, Answer - Response, reaction, Anticipate - expect, predict, Appreciate - Value, thank, Appropriate - Specific,proper, As long as - provided, Assess - evaluate, Attractive - Glamourous, Average - Normal, Authorities - Government, people in power, buy - purchase, off the beaten track - isolated, flourish - thrive,prosper, ameliorate - improve, permit - allow, obtain - acquire, impertinent - rude, discourt,

Synonyms c2 part 1


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