What deadlines do you have to meet in your daily life?, Are you good at managing your time?, Do you ever delegate tasks when you get too busy?, Have you ever worked over the weekend to meet a deadline?, Have you ever missed an important social or family event because of work?, Some people say they would like to ‘leave the rat race’. What do you think they mean?, Do you prefer a slow or fast pace of life?, How do you think flexible working helps to achieve a healthy work-life balance?, Do you think companies should have policies relating to work-life balance?, What things can people do to achieve good work-life balance?, What can companies do to ensure their staffs have good work-life balance?, Why do you think some people become workaholics?, Do you think it is harder for men or women to achieve a work-life balance? Why?, Nowadays, more people are taking time off work because of stress. Why do you think this is?, How do you think people can balance having children and achieving their professional goals?, What advice would you give someone who had poor work-life balance?, Who do you think is responsible for overwork – the company or the employee?, Which careers are fundamentally incompatible with a good work-life balance?, Can flexitime and dress-down Fridays help work-life balance, or do they just mask the real problems?, Why did Nigel Marsh, the speaker say that too many people work long hours in jobs they hate to buy things they don't need to impress people they don't like?, How would you describe your perfect day?, Can you rely on companies to give you a healthy work-life balance? Do company's really care about the work-life balance of their staff? How does your company help (or hinder) your work-life balance?, What small change could you make to your daily life to improve your work-life balance?.

Work-life balance


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