1) __ the week, I never go out, because I don't have time for it. a) In b) During c) At d) On 2) However, __ the weekend, I always go out with my boyfriend. a) at b) during c) in 3) ___ Friday nights, we usually go to a place called "The Hungry Pig". a) On b) In c) At d) During 4) The Hungry Pig is a restaurant ___ the main square of our town. a) in b) on c) over d) above 5) Usually, we get ___ the restaurant ___ 5, because later there are too many people already. a) to / at b) at / at 6) ___ the evenings, The Hungry Pig is always crowded, because it's a very popular place. a) in b) on c) At d) In 7) So we get there by 5 and stay ___ 8 at the latest, because we don't like the crowd. a) till b) until c) to d) after 8) ___ 8 o'clock, we leave the restaurant and go ___ home. a) At / to b) --- / at c) at / --- d) At / --- 9) ___ the way home, we always go ___ shopping and buy some ice cream.  a) On / to b) In / to c) --- / --- d) On / --- 10) After getting home, we sit down __ of the TV and eat our ice cream. a) next to b) in front c) in front of d) before 11) We watch silly programmes ___ hours and we go to bed late ___ night. a) --- / --- b) for / at c) for / --- d) at / for 12) The next day, we sleep ___ midday. a) to b) until c) till d) --- 13) ___ midday, we get up and we have our breakfast. a) On b) At c) at d) Until 14) I am really fond ___ our Friday night and Saturday mornings. a) --- b) of c) about

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