Couch Potato - Someone who spends a lot of time sitting or lying down, typically watching TV, and is physically inactive., Melting Pot - A place where different cultures, ideas, and people blend together to form a cohesive whole., Bear Fruit - To produce successful results or positive outcomes, typically after hard work or effort., Sow the Seeds - To do something that will lead to a certain result or future development, often implying a future impact from current actions., Tip of Your Tongue - When you are about to say or recall something but can't quite remember it at the moment., Cash Flow - The movement of money in and out of a business or person's finances, usually used to talk about liquidity., Slippery Slope - A situation or course of action that is likely to lead to worse consequences or a downward spiral., Walking on Eggshells - To be in a situation where you have to be very careful not to upset or offend someone., Tailor Made - Something that is perfectly suited or customized to fit a particular need or person., Walking a Tightrope - Being in a difficult or risky situation where one wrong move could have serious consequences.,

B2/C1. Metaphors - Part 1


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