began - This film ... at 8pm and ended at 10pm! (begin), found - Yesterday, I ... your pen in my pocket. (find) , built - Mr Addams ... hsi own house in 1996. (build) , ate - We ... rice and chicken for lunch. (eat) , forgot - Ben was angry because I ... about his party. (forget), taught - Ms Daves ... us Chemistry at school. (teach), had - We ... a lot of free time before the exam. (have) , wore - This is an old coat, I ... it last winter. (wear) , cut - Our neighbor ... the tree down a long time ago. (cut) , rode - Last year, I ... my bicycle more than this year. (ride) , knew - Ellen ... everything about our problems. (know) , slept - I only ... for three hours last night. (sleep) , drank - The baby ... milk one hour ago. (drink) , swam - Filip ... in the Mediterranean sea in summer. (swim) , sold - We don't have our car. We ... it last month. (sell) ,

Past Simple - irregular verbs


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