1) My boss ... drunk any coffee for six months. a) hasn't b) haven't 2) Eva ... studied Italian since January. a) has b) have 3) Karen ... worn glasses since she was a child. a) have b) has 4) They ... been married for a long time. a) have b) has 5) I ... wanted to go to China for as long as I can remember. a) has b) have 6) My friend ... never been afraid of bees. a) has b) have 7) My parents ... been in France for a few weeks, visiting relatives. a) has b) have 8) Peter and Ben ... been friends since kindergarten. a) have b) has 9) It ... snowed around here since 2010. a) haven't b) hasn't 10) They ... worked for the same company since they graduated from college. a) have b) has

Present Perfect Simple Tense - 7th grade


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