1) Can you explain it to me .... it will work? a) if b) wheather c) whether 2) I would like to know ... a) how many business trips you have had so far b) how many have business trips you had so far c) how many business trips have you had so far 3) Could you tell me ... ? a) when the is boss going to finish his meeting b) when the boss is going to finish his meeting c) when is the boss going to finish his meeting 4) I would like to know .... . a) if are you going on any buisness trip this week b) whether you are going on any buisness trip this week c) if you are going on any buisness trip this week 5) It depends on ... a) how many people will attend the conference b) how many will people attend the conference c) how many will attend people the conference 6) Could you tell me ... ? a) if anyone has left a message for me b) if has anyone left a message for me c) whether anyone has left a message for me 7) I would like to know .... . a) whether they are going to give us a pay rise this year b) if they are going to give us a pay rise this year c) if are they going to give us a pay rise this year 8) Can you tell me .... ? a) why did she be fired b) why was she fired c) why she was fired 9) Do you know ... ? a) if he did have an affair with his secretary b) if he had an affair with his secretary c) did he have an affair with his secretary


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