1) First name a) The place where you live b) the name people call you c) The name you share with your family 2) Email address a) The phone number for your house b) you need this to send and review an electronic message c) the phone number for the phone you carry with you 3) Address a) The phone number for our house b) the place where you live 4) Age a) If you are a boy or a girl b) how you feel today c) how old you are 5) mobile a) the phone number for your house b) the phone number for the phone you carry with you 6) first language a) the place where you live b) the way you learn to speak at home c) the name you share with you family 7) surname a) the name people call you b) the name you share with your family 8) How do you say this symbol? .   a) dot b) punt 9) How do you say this symbol?  @ a) arrob b) at

Prepare 3 personal information match up


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