What is the best book you read recently, and why?, How many siblings do you have, and which one are you closest with?, If you didn't have to worry about money, what is your dream future job?, If you could become invisible for 10 minutes, what would you do?, If there was a movie made about you, what would it be called, and why?, If you discovered a new island and became the queen of the island, what would be the first rule you enacted?, Would you rather win $10,000 or let your best friend win $15,000?, If you could be zapped into the fictional world of any book, what book would it be and why?, If you had to give up one of the following for the rest of your life, what would you pick: pizza or chocolate?, What is the worst day of the week?, If you had $25 at Target and 5 minutes to spend it, what would you buy?, What is something about yourself that you could totally brag about, but you usually don't?, Where is your least favorite place to be, and why?, What is worse, going to the dentist or to the doctor?, What is a stupid thing that you said or did on a dare?, Is a hotdog a sandwich? Why or why not?, What are the top four words you would use to describe yourself?, What type of teacher do you best relate to?, Where would you like to live when you grow up?, What does your mother tell you most often?, What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?, What nicknames have you been called in your life?, How many homes have you lived in in your life?, What is a better name for peanut butter?, Is cereal and milk a soup?, What do you wish that you could change about TDSD?, What do you wish that every teacher would do?, What do you wish that teachers would NEVER do?, If you mysteriously got suspended, what would your family and friends assume that you had done?, When was the last time that you shrieked, and why?.


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