1) Who are Harry´s parents? a) Petunia and Vernom b) Lily and James c) Hermione and Rom 2) What color are Harry's eyes? a) green b) blue c) brown 3) Where did wizards buy their magical supplies? a) Diagon Alley b) Gringotts c) Hogwarts 4) What is the name of the school for wizards? a) Hogwarts School b) Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry c) Hogwarts School for Young Wizards 5) What is the name of the bank for wizards? a) Gringotts b) Hogwarts c) Diagon Alley 6) What are the houses at Hogwarts? a) Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin b) Quidditch, Gryffindor,  Ravenclaw, Gringotts c) Hufflepuff, Gryffindor,Slytherin 7) Which platform did wizards use to go to Hogwarts? a) 9 b) 9 1/2 c) 9 3/4 8) Which is Harry's House at Hogwarts? a) Slytherin b) Gryffindor c) Hufflepuff 9) Who are Harry's friends? a) Malfoy and Hagrid b) Hermione and Ron c) Neville and Ron 10) What is Erised? a) a mirror b) a broom c) a book 11) What position does Harry play at Quidditch? a) Guardian b) Seeker c) Beater 12) Who gave Harry the Nimbus 2000 a) McGonagall b) Dumbledore c) Hagrid 13) Who is the headmaster at Hogwarts? a) Snape b) Dumbledore c) McGonagall 14) Who was the professor that didn´t like Harry? a) McGonagall b) Quirrel c) Snape 15) Who is Norbert? a) A dragon b) A cat c) A three head dog 16) What is Harry's pet, and what's its name? a) A rat called Scabbers b) An owl called Hedwig c) A dog called Fluffy 17) What is the Sorcerer´s Stone? a) A stone to become rich b) A stone that gives you powerful magi c) A stone that gives you inmortality 18) Who wants the Sorcerer´s Stone? a) Professor Quirrel b) Hagrid c) Professor Snape 19) How many challenges did they need to face to get to the stone? a) Three b) Four c) Two 20) Who won the House Cup at the end of the year? a) Gryffindor b) Slytherin c) Ravenclaw 21) Who has the Sorcerer's Stone at the end? a) Snape b) Voldemort c) Harry 22) Where did Harry live before going to Hogwarts? a) Privet Drive b) Diagon Alley c) Cambridge 23) How sis Harry know he was a wizard a) The Vernon´s told him b) Hagrid told him c) Dumbledore told him 24) Who decides where the children will be housed at Hogwarts? a) The Sorting Hat b) Dumbledore c) Each student 25) Who is Fluffy? a) An owl b) A dragon c) Athree headed dog 26) Who created the Stone? a) Voldemort b) Nicolas Flamel c) Snape 27) What did Voldemort drink at the Forbidden Forest a) Sacred Water b) Willow sap c) Unicorn's blood 28) What did Harry see when he looks in the Mirror of Erised? a) A quidditch trophy b) His Parents c) Himself with the House Cup 29) Why does everyone see something different at the Mirror of Erised? a) Because it shows our greatest desires. b) Because it shows our greatest fears. c) Because it shows our past. 30) Who is the original owner of invisibility cloak? a) Dumbledore b) Harry c) Harry's dad

Harry Potter and The Sorcerer´s Stone


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