1) Never have I ever lied to a teacher. 2) Never have I ever cried in the school bathroom. 3) Never have I ever embarrassed myself in front of my crush. 4) Never have I ever passed notes in class. 5) Never have I ever done something super embarrassing in class. 6) Never have I ever had a crush on a teacher. 7) Never have I ever cheated on a test. 8) Never have I ever been late to class. 9) Never have I ever skipped class. 10) Never have I ever forgotten about a test and studied the period before. 11) Never have I ever worn a costume to school. 12) Never have I ever told a teacher what I really thought of an assignment. 13) Never have I ever fallen asleep in class. 14) Never have I ever been suspended from school. 15) Never have I ever fooled around in lessons. 16) Never have I ever submitted someone else's assignment as your own. 17) Never have I ever failed an exam. 18) Never have I ever picked a boogie or gum in school and wiped it underneath the desk. 19) Never have I ever pretended to be sick because of a test. 20) Never have I ever sworn out loud at school. 21) Never have I ever farted in public at school. 22) Never have I ever texted during class.

Never have I ever - High school edition


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