3 things you should avoid doing if you want to have a healthy lifestyle, 3 things people in Russia can't help doing , 3 things children can't stand doing, 3 things you should carry on doing if you want to be successful, 3 things men typically deny doing, 3 things you enjoy doing on holiday, 3 things you fancy doing next weekend, 3 things you need to finish doing at work, 3 things you've given up doing, 3 things you're looking forward to doing this year, 3 things you always postpone doing (= decide to do it later), 3 things you recommend doing in Tver, 3 things you would suggest doing if you were organising a party, 3 things you can't afford to buy now but really want to, 3 things you'll never agree to do (even for a million dollars), 3 things you've arranged to do this week, 3 things you were able to do in your childhood but can't do now, 3 things you've never managed to do in your life, 3 people you can't wait to see, 3 things you definitely deserve to do, 3 things you'll never refuse to do, 3 things you're planning to do in your house/flat, 3 things you promised to do in 2021, 3 things you would rather (=you'd rather) do now.

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