1) WHAT´S THE NAME OF THE GAME? a) Hide and seek b) Fantasy Run c) Snakes and ladders d) Hopscotch e) Dogde Ball f) Duck, duck, goose 2) WHAT CAN YOU USE AS A MARKER? a) A pencil b) A stone c) A shoe d) A ring e) A ball f) A mobile phone 3) HOW MANY PEOPLE CAN PLAY? a) 6 b) 25 c) 1 d) It doesn´t matter e) As many as you want f) 2 4) WHEN YOU MISS A TURN? a) If you shout. b) If you miss the marker. c) If the marker lands outside the square. d) If you laugh. e) If you step on a line. f) If you hop onto the square with the marker.



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