I ....... (wait) for the bus - when I ....... (see) a squirrel riding a scooter., While Katherine ....... (write) an email,  - a ....... (fall) on her laptop., The storm ....... (begin) - while they ....... (fight) with ......., We ....... (hang out) the washing - when a butterfly ....... (sit) on the line., I ........ (draw) an elephant in my bedroom - when a real one ....... (put) its head through ......, Martha ....... (sleep) on the sofa - while her dog ........ (play) poker with his friends., What ....... (they do) - when a dinosaur ....... (attack) them?, ....... (you play) with your pet - when you ....... (break) your blue ball?, ....... (Luke feed) his pet  - when it ....... (eat) him up?,

Past Continuous and Past Simple - complete the sentences

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