Set A Goal - Protests can function as a way to spread awareness about an issue. They can also put pressure on those in power to make a specific change. What do you hope to accomplish with your protest? Figure out who the audience of your protest will be. Then plan your strategy from there. You're more likely to get the outcome you want if you take time to set a goal for achieving it., Choose A Location - Find a location that is practical, symbolic or convenient — or all three. The location you choose should be the one that helps you reach your target audience so that the protest is as effective as possible. This could be the sidewalk in front of a business, a public street corner, the courthouse, the capitol building. Or, it could be a park that has historically been used for protests in your city. Just remember that in order for the protest to be legal, the site you choose must be public., Pick A Time To Stage The Protest - Protest at a time when you'll be able to gather the largest crowd and have the greatest impact on your audience. For example, if you're protesting a certain company's business practices you'll want to stage the protest when the CEO is present. That will probably be during business hours. On the other hand, if the goal of your protest is to gather as many people as possible, you might want to protest on a weekend when more people will be available to come., Get The Necessary Permits - Check with your city officials about whether you need to get a permit to protest in the location you choose. Each city has its own laws regarding how many people can protest and where they can gather. Do your homework. Get the permits you need so that your protest won't get disbanded before it can gain any traction., Plan The Sequence Of Events - What actions will best help you achieve your goal? It's important to have an agenda in mind for what will happen once everyone is gathered for the protest. Do some research on other effective protests and come up with a game plan that will help you target your goal. Here are a few ideas: Have community leaders introduce the protest and make speeches on the issue at hand. Have an emcee who can lead protest chants and songs, and have bands play protest music. Plan a march from one location to another. This is a classic form of protesting that helps bring widespread attention to a cause., Publicize The Protest - Post details about the protest on all your social media channels. Make flyers about the protest and put them up around town. Call local newspapers and radio stations and ask them to publish information about the protest and promote it on the air.,

Game 2: Part One: Organizing The Protest (NewsELA)

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