消除贫困 - No Poverty, 零饥饿 - Zero Hunger, 良好的健康与福祉 - Good Health and Well-being, 优质教育 - Quality Education, 性别平等 - Gender Equality, 清洁饮用和环境卫生 - Clean Water and Sanitation, 可负担的清洁能源 - Affordable and Clean Energy, 体面工作和经济增长 - Decent Work and Economic Growth, 产业丶创新和基础设施 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, 减少不平等 - Reducing Inequality, 可持续城市和社区 - Sustainable Cities and Communities, 负责任的消费和生产 - Responsible Consumption and Production, 气候变化 - Climate Action, 水下生命 - Life Below Water, 陆地生命 - Life on Land, 和平和正义 - Peace and Justice Strong Institutions, 合作实现目标 - Partnerships to achieve the Goal,

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