Countries have different laws because they often have different attitudes to certain crimes. That is why ____ also differ. Here are a few ____ about crime and laws from some of the safest countries in the world. Did you know that in Singapore it is illegal to ____ gum because it damages the city’s pavements and gets stuck in subway doors? You can get a fine or even go to prison for a petty crime like that! Hong Kong has some of the strangest and strictest laws in the world. For ____, it is ____ to play music in the streets. If you are a ____, it’s certainly not the place for you! In Finland fines for certain crimes are based on your ____. If you’re rich, you pay more! A few years ago the director of mobile phone company, Nokia, was caught ____. He got a fine of over 100,000 euros! Do you think that’s fair? In Iceland, thefts and robberies almost never happen. House ____ are unknown. People leave the front door open or their ____ unlocked on the street. The police are largely invisible. Finally, Britain is famous for the biggest number of CCTV cameras per person in the world. If you have your bag stolen, there is a good ____ that the police will catch the criminal. For that reason, British people feel quite ____. Edinburgh in Scotland is considered to be the country’s safest city. It is also a beautiful place to visit.

Crime facts from around the world (tekst za: "Repetytorium ósmoklasisty" wyd. Pearson)


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