actress - a woman whose profession is acting on stage, in films, or on television, choir - an organized group of singers, especially one that takes part in church services or performs in public., designer - a person who creates and often produces a new product, style, etc., cover - the outer part of a book or magazine, landscape - a picture representing a view of natural inland scenery, extra - a person hired to act in a group scene in a movie, plot - a series of events that form the story in a novel, movie, etc., lyrics - the words of a song, chapter - one of the main sections of a book, soundtrack - the sounds and especially the music recorded for a movie, still life - a painting, drawing, etc., of a carefully arranged group of objects (such as flowers and fruit), tune - melody, cartoon - a movie or television program made by photographing a series of drawings, documentary - a movie or television program that tells the facts about actual people and events,

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