1) Jack … a bath last night. a) haved b) had c) has 2) Grandpa… the pigeons 2 days ago. a) fed b) feed c) feeded 3) John … with his toy plane yesterday. a) plays b) played c) play 4) Jack … chicken yesterday. a) eat b) eaten c) ate 5) Last week, Susan… to school. a) walked b) walking c) walk 6) Yesterday evening, my mom … dinner. a) cooking b) cook c) cooked 7) The ant … hard last month. a) working b) works c) worked 8) Snoopy…an interesting book yesterday. a) reads b) read c) reading 9) I … homework 3 hours ago. a) did b) do c) doing 10) __________ (she /arrive) home at 5:30? a) Did she arrived b) Did she arrive c) Does she arrive 11) She ___________with her family on holidays. a) went b) goed c) did go

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