1) My mom is over (their/they're/there), making cupcakes for my class. a) their b) they're c) there 2) (Your/You're) directions are extremely complicated. a) Your b) You're 3) We might (loose/lose) the game because the other team is much better. a) loose b) lose 4) Extra summer classes are a good way to (farther/further) your education. a) farther b) further 5) Here are (a lot/alot) of examples of poor grammar. a) a lot b) alot 6) It could be a long shot, but (your/you’re) a contender for the championship. a) your b) you're 7) (Their/they’re/there) house is next to the grocery store. a) Their b) They're c) There 8) The screws in my bike became (loose/lose) after a bumpy ride to the mall. a) loose b) lose 9) I have to warm up before my run because I plan on going (farther/further) than usual. a) farther b) further 10) The lions are constantly hunting, but (their/they’re/there) having trouble finding food. a) their b) they're c) there 11) (Your/you’re) never going to make it to the show at this slow pace. a) Your b) You're 12) There are (a lot/alot) of fans from the visiting team in this cheering section. a) a lot b) alot 13) Can you please explain your essay (farther/further)? a) farther b) further 14)  I put together the do-it-yourself bookshelf, but it seems a little (loose/lose). a) loose b) lose 15) I hope you don’t mind, but I borrowed (your/you’re) bike out of the garage. a) your b) you're 16)  (Their/they’re/there) seems to be a problem with the new appliances. a) Their b) They're c) There 17) The location of the new school was much (farther/further) than I anticipated. a) farther b) further 18)  I attached the new set of keys to my school bag so I knew I wouldn’t (loose/lose) it. a) loose b) lose 19) I hope (your/you’re) happy that everyone finally passed their math test. a) your b) you're 20) I left my book right (their/they’re/there) on the nightstand. a) their b) they're c) there

Basic English Test


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