1) Have you ever ... a prize or cup for sth? a) won b) earned 2) I love those shoes you're ... a) wearing b) carrying 3) Mark and Charlotte … at a party last year. a) met b) knew 4) Can you help me or are you … the news on TV? a) watching b) looking at 5) Did you ... me any souvenirs from New York? a) bring b) take 6) She ... her mother. They have the same eyes. a) looks b) looks like 7) Angela has ... a new job. She starts next week. a) looked for b) found 8) I'm not very good at … jokes. a) saying b) telling 9) It's going to rain later, so I'll … an umbrella with me. a) bring b) take 10) Would you ... a lot of money to a good friend? a) lend b) borrow 11) I ... the weather is good tomorrow. a) hope b) wait 12) We got to the airport late so we … our plane. a) missed b) lost 13) You ... really sad. What's wrong? a) look b) look like 14) Can you help me? I'm … my keys. a) looking for b) finding 15) She's ... a really heavy bag. a) wearing b) carrying 16) Do you mind ... for a few minutes? I'm not ready yet. a) hoping b) waiting 17) We had to ... money from the bank to buy our new car. a) lend b) borrow 18) I always ... my glasses. a) miss b) lose 19) Did you ... that noise? I think it was a car crash. a) listen to b) hear 20) Paul is always late. I … he'll be late again today. a) expect b) hope

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