honest - Jane is an ____________ person, she never lies., careless - He doesn't pay attention in class, he is ___________., shy - Jack is quiet and ________________, so he can't make friends easily., greedy - Larry ate all the cake, he is really _____________., lazy - Sloths are ______________ animals. They climb trees very slowly., neat - Sarah is a very ____________ person. Her room is always clean., hardworking - Andrea studies very hard, he is a _____________ student., stubborn - Neymar is a ________________ player. He never listens to his fiends ideas., talkative - My sister is very ____________ and sometimes gives me a headache., jealous - I am _________ of my brother because he plays football better than me., adventurous - Mr Ferguson is very ______________, he crossed Africa in a hot-air-balloon.,

Adjectives to describe people

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