True: The Grand Canyon's many layers of rock are thought to be over two billion years old., The Harbour of Rio de Jeneiro is located in Brazil., The Northern Lights is also called the aurora borealis, is a natural light display that dances across the night , The Great Barrier Reef is unique because ot stretches for more than 2,000km across the Australian ocean., Mount Everest is part of the Himalayan mountain range in Asia., Victoria Falls is also called Mosi-oa-Tunya, which means 'smoke that thunders'., Paricutin is a volcano situated in Michoacan, Mexico. , False: Mount Everest is the second highest mountain in the world. , The Grand Canyon is situated somewhere in Canada., Victoria Falls is 1,700 m in length. , The Harbour of Rio de Jeneiro is a man-made harbour., The Northern Lights is most intense from March to June., The cone of Paricutin is still growing until now., The Great Barrier Reef cannot be seen from outer space ,

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