1) to make less a) decrease (V) b) damage (N) c) detail 2) The length between two points a) detail b) distance c) knowledge 3) a way of doing something a) use (V) b) decrease (N) c) method d) delivery 4) to show in public a) display (N) b) directly c) display (V) d) danger 5) problem a) difference b) difficulty c) develop (V) 6) without being affected by; in spite of a) device b) consider c) despite 7) to think about carefully a) (V)consider b) detailed (adj) c) detail 8) a choice made from available alternatives a) design (N) b) decision c) development 9) to grow or become bigger, more advanced, stronger a) development b) develop (V) c) detailed 10) to point something at a particular person or thing a) direct (V) b) direct (adj) c) direct (N) 11) a person who knows a lot about something a) profession b) expert (adj) c) use (V) 12) a Lessing a) (N)decision b) (N)development c) (N) decrease 13) the way in which two people or things are not like each other a) decrease b) difference c) detail 14) to harm something or someone a) damage (adj) b) damage (N) c) damage (V) 15) Produce a plan, simulation or model a) design (V) b) expert c) (N)knowledge 16) A process of improvement a) device b) detail (N) c) development (N)

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