Great Depression - Time period of 25% unemployment after a stock market crash, Stock Market Crash of 1929 - Event causing the Great Depression, known as Black Tuesday, Stock - Investment in exchange for ownership of a company, Over Speculation - Panicked selling, Herbert Hoover - President blamed for the Great Depression, believing the government should not be involved, FDR - President who revived the US economy with his New Deal programs, Breadlines - Charity program for food, clothes, and other necessities, Hoovervilles - Crowded tent towns on public land, mocking Hoover for them being on the streets, Dust Bowl - Dirt storms on the Great Plains, Fireside Chats - FDR reaching out to the public through radio, National Recovery Administration (NRA) - Set minimum wages and selling prices on goods, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) - Government insured banks if failed, Social Security Act (SSA) - Created a savings for unemployed people (retired or fired), Stock Exchange and Commission (SEC) - Government regulated stocks to avoid over speculation, Court Packing Scheme - FDR's attempt to replace Supreme Court Justices,

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