4+ 2 = 6 dolls. - Hala has 4 dolls and Malak has 2 dolls. How many dolls do they have in all?, 5+ 3= 8 balls. - Hamza has 5 balls , Youssef has 3 balls .How many balls do they have altogether?, 6+1=7 crayons. - Noor has 6 crayons , Mariam gave her 1 more . how many crayons does Nour have ?, 1+1 = 2 toys. - Yassin has 1toy his friend Moaz has 1 toy . How many toys do they have in all?, 7 + 3 = 10 cars. - Asser has 7 cars , Omar give him 3 more . How many cars are with Asser now?, 3 + 4 = 7 birds. - There are 3 birds on the tree, 4 more join them . what is the total number of birds?, in all - and - altogether - ............... are addition key words, + - ................. is the addition sign., Total - The number comes after the ( = ) sign is..........., the smaller number. - Mr/ Bunny Bunny jumps on the number line according to the ...............,

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