1) What is this? a) hangman b) dodgeball c) hide and seek d) chess 2) What is this? a) chess b) checkers c) hopscotch d) camping 3) What is this? a) chess b) dodgeball c) origami d) camping 4) What is this? a) hiking b) blind man's buff c) Chinese whispers d) dodgeball 5) What is this? a) hopscotch b) checkers c) camping d) origami 6) What is this? a) Chinese whispers b) blind man's buff c) hide and seek d) fishing 7) What is this? a) dodgeball b) camping c) chess d) hiking 8) What is this? a) hide and seek b) hangman c) hopscotch d) dodgeball 9) What is this? a) hopscotch b) hide and seek c) hangman d) blind man's buff 10) What is this? a) fishing b) chess c) football d) hiking 11) What is this? a) chess b) checkers c) Chinese whispers d) camping 12) What is this? a) chess b) checkers c) origami d) dodgeball

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