1) She ............................ her homework now. a) does b) are doing c) is doing d) do e) doing f) am doing 2) Children ............................ in the garden. a) playing b) is playing c) play d) plays e) are playing f) am playing 3) My grandma ............................ dinner. a) cooks b) is cooking c) cook d) are cooking e) am cooking f) cooking 4) We ............................ English. a) learning b) is learning c) learn d) am learning e) learns f) are learning 5) She ............................ at the moment. a) is driving b) drive c) drives d) is driveing e) are driving f) driving 6) I ............................ to music now. a) listen b) listening c) are listening d) listens e) am listening f) is listening 7) Mr Brown ............................ his favourite book now. a) reading b) read c) is reading d) reads e) are reading f) am reading 8) My brother and I ............................ TV now. a) watch b) watches c) is watching d) are watching e) watching f) am watching 9) Your aunt ............................ a pink dress today. a) wears b) are wearing c) am wearing d) wear e) is wearing f) wearing 10) The baby ............................ now. a) sleep b) sleeping c) am sleeping d) sleeps e) are sleeping f) is sleeping 11) Your son ............................ at the moment. a) is cleaning b) cleaning c) cleans d) are cleaning e) clean f) am cleaning 12) Look! These bears ............................ the tree. a) climb b) climbing c) are climbing d) climbs e) am climbing f) is climbing 13) Why ............................ a photo of me? a) is you taking b) do you take c) are you taking d) am you take e) are you take f) taking you

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