1) I usually ... cards via the internet. a) write b) send 2) My wife didn't feel like cooking yesterday, so we ate ... . a) up b) out 3) Ben always ... flowers for his girlfriend on her birthday. a) prepares b) buys 4) She's going to Kiev to visit her ... . a) presents b) relatives 5) You look really tired. You should have a day ... work. a) off b) of 6) I ... a chocolate cake yesterday. a) made b) did 7) I'm going to ... a special meal for him tomorrow - it's his birthday. a) exchange b) prepare 8) Mr Smith ... me to his house for lunch. a) exchanged b) invited 9) On the first day of school, the students ... presents. a) exchange b) invite 10) I like dressing ... for special occasions. a) up b) out

Special days (vocabulary)

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