1) I can't find my ballet shoes. a) I think it's on the tables. b) I think they're under the chair. c) Is this on the bed? 2) How often do you eat fast food. a) I think it's on the bed. b) You should do more exercise. c) I sometimes eat fast food on the weekend. 3) What does a vet do? a) A vet works with animals. b) Yes, he does. c) Yes, it's an easy job. 4) What does your mother do? a) She's a doctor. b) She works with children. c) No, she doesn't. 5) What do you want to be when you grow up? a) Yes, she loves animals. b) I want to be a movie star. c) Yes, I do. 6) What are you going to wear? a) I like dressing up. b) I went to the sports center. c) I'm going to wear a clown costume. 7) Do you want to play hide and seek? a) I don't like to play tug of war. b) That's a great idea. c) I went to the flea market. 8) Where do your grandparents live? a) They live in a house in Ho Chi Minh city. b) It's quiet. c) She lives in a town. 9) What's it like? a) I live in a village. b) It's noisy. c) My house is big. 10) What does your sister look like? a) She's tall and thin. b) Yes, she does. c) She likes drink soda.


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