1) You ________ wear an uniform if you are a policeman.  a) must b) have to c) should d) don't have to e) shouldn't f) mustn't  2) _____ your sister ____ go to Cardiff for the job interview?  a) Doesn't / have to b) Does / must  c) Does / has to d) Has / to e) Does / have to f) Must / to 3) We_____ get up early tomorrow. Our flight leaves at 6:30. a) should b) shouldn't c) must d) mustn't e) have to f) doesn't have to 4) Harry ____ work today. The shop is closed. a) doesn't need to b) mustn't c) have to d) doesn't have to e) should f) shouldn't 5) I _______ go now. It's very late. a) should b) shouldn't c) have to d) don't have to e) must f) mustn't 6) ______ we _______ go to bed? It's only 10 o'clock! a) Do / has to b) Do / need to c) Do / have to d) Don't / have to e) Must / have to  f) Do / must 7) I feel sick. I _________________ take a pill.  a) must  b) mustn't c) should d) shouldn't e) have to f) don't have to 8) Students _____________ wear uniforms at schools in England. a) must b) should c) have to d) mustn't e) shouldn't f) don't have to 9) You _________ sweep the floor. I've already done it.  a) don't have to b) don't need to c) mustn't d) needn't e) shouldn't f) have to  10) It is a great book. You ___________read it! a) must b) have to c) mustn't d) don't have to e) should f) shouldn't  11) Listen, boy. You _________ touch the oven. It's hot.  a) must b) have to c) mustn't d) don't have to e) should f) shouldn't  12) We _____ try that new restaurant in town. a) must b) have to c) mustn't d) don't have to e) should f) shouldn't  13) You ____ wear a scarf today. It's really cold. a) must b) have to c) mustn't d) don't have to e) should f) shouldn't  14) Carol _________ put so much sugar in her coffee. It's not healthy. a) must b) have to c) mustn't d) don't have to e) should f) shouldn't  15) She __________ close those windows. It's better to leave them opened, because it's too hot in there. a) hasn't to b) doesn't need to c) mustn't d) shouldn't e) needn't f) doesn't have to

Modal verbs B1 - Must/mustn't/have to/don't have to/don't need to/needn't/should/shouldn't

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