assent - agree or approve something, relinquish - let go, representation - a person or group that speaks or acts for another person or group, inestimable - not able to be estimated, formidable - very powerful or strong, tyrant - ruler who has complete power over a country and who is cruel and unfair, depository - place where something is put so it can be kept safe, fatiguing - tiring, exhausting, dissolution - the act of officially ending, annihilation - complete destruction of someone or something, naturalization - to allow someone born in a different country to become a new citizen, appropriations - an amount of money that is used by a government for a specific purpose, hither - here, swarm - move in a large group, jurisdiction - the power or right to make judgments about the law, to arrest and punish criminals, etc., quartering - quarter - to provide someone with a place to stay, inhabitants - animals or people who live at a location, arbitrary - done without conern for what is fair or right, abdicated - failed to do what is required, tyranny - cruel and unfair treatment by people with power over others, plundered - stolen, constrained - forced, brethren - brother - used to talk in a formal way to a group of people or refer to the members of a group, insurrection - an uprising, a rebellion, domestic - found in the home or in one's homeland,

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