1) She_______ Japanese merchandising. (✓) a) are buying b) is buying 2) I_______ merchandise with delay. (x) a) don`t like b) doesn`t like 3) The owner _________ unpunctual employees (x) a) don`t like b) doesn`t like 4) She ________ the best quality of products. (✓) a) selling b) is selling 5) I________ bargains. (✓) a) likes b) like 6) Owners ________ irresponsible employees. (x) a) aren`t hiring b) aren`t hire 7) She__________ expensive products. (x) a) doesn`t like b) like 8) He__________low prices. (✓) a) likes b) like 9) I _________ reports. (✓) a) is making b) am making 10) She_________ unfair competition. (x) a) doesn`t like b) don`t like

(✓)affirmative / negative (x) business


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