1) Finish the word. To a) house b) sight c) night d) dog 2) Finish the word. De a) light b) bour c) weight d) classroom 3) Finish the word. Neigh a) hamburger b) bour c) right d) house 4) Finish the word. Twi a) weight b) right c) light d) teacher 5) Finish the word. Mid a) dinosaur b) light c) house d) night 6) Finish the word. High a) light b) bour c) right d) low 7) Finish the word. In a) house b) weight c) Sandy d) sight 8) Finish the word. Al a) right b) house c) sight d) robot 9) Finish the question. Light a) sight b) right c) bour d) house 10) Finish the word. Light a) sight b) weight c) right d) light

Finish the igh words


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