1) Light that is visible to the human eye and responsible for our sense of sight 2) Refers to the bending of light as it passes through different materials 3) Refers to the bouncing back of light as it hits an object 4) TRUE or FALSE: You must wear dark color shirts during summer 5) Refers to the passing of light through some materials 6) materials that allow light to pass through them completely 7) Materials that do not allow light to pass through them 8) TRUE or FALSE: Dark colors absorb more light energy and transform them to heat energy 9) Materials that allow some light to pass through them 10) It is the energy produced due to vibrations 11) Refers to the materials taking in of light and not reflecting it back 12) It refers to the highness and lowness of sound 13) It refers to the shape of the sound waves and object produces 14) It refers to the volume or sound pressure produced by the vibration of an object 15) These are materials that allow heat and electricity to flow freely through them 16) These are materials that are non-conductors or that do not allow heat and electricity to pass through them 17) Name the FOUR parts of an electrical circuit 18) TRUE or FALSE: The more colors an object reflects, the more heat is reflected 19) A kind of circuit that makes the bulb light because the path of electricity is complete 20) A kind of circuit that does not make the bulb light because the path of electricity has a gap 21) Name this kind of circuit 22) Name this kind of circuit 23) Name 3 examples of conductors 24) Name 3 examples of insulators 25) A sound or series of sounds reflected back to the listener



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