1) Jul has some school works to do, and the deadlines are near approaching, if you are Jul what would you do? a) watch some movies, with friends b) make the school works appropriately and creatively c) have some good sleep and relax 2) Berlita seems very happy because she was praised by her teacher with her excellent report. If you are one of her classmate what should you do? a) Motivate yourself that you can perform well just like Berlita b) Give up and give a mediocre performance c) Just ignore, because you are not aiming for good remarks anyway 3) Wennielyn were assigned to be the leader of a group task. What should she do? a) wait for her member to achieve the task b) she should divide the work and plan collaboratively  c) accomplish the task by herself because she doesn't like her members 4) Ralp looks really sad, and he says that a bad thing happened to him. If Ralp is your friend, how can you motivate him? a) Listen, and tell him its okay you will help him. b) Tell him he earns it c) make fun of Ralp's situation 5) You see other kids picking on someone who looks really sad and scared.  a) Help him\her. b) Join the bullies because he/she deserves it c) Ignore, because you don't want to engage on that situation.

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