atmosphere - the envelope of gasses surrounding any celestial body, biosphere - the regions of the Earth where living organisms exist, coast - the shore of a sea or ocean, desert - arid land with little or no vegetation, erosion - the process of wearing or grinding something down, fjord - a long narrow inlet of the sea between steep cliffs, glacier  - a slowly moving mass of ice, hurricane - a severe tropical cyclone usually with heavy rains and winds, island - body of land surrounded by water., jet stream - fast flowing, narrow, meandering air currents in the atmospheres, kettle lake - shallow lake formed by a retreating glacier., lake - a body of (usually fresh) water surrounded by land, marsh - low-lying wetlands with grassy vegetation, North Pole - fixed point that, along with the South Pole, forms the axis on which the Earth spins., oasis - area made fertile by a source of freshwater in an otherwise arid region., peninsula - a large mass of land projecting into a body of water, quarry - site where stone is mined., reef - a submerged ridge of rock or coral near the water's surface, stalactite - a cylinder of calcium carbonate hanging from a cave roof, stalagmite - a cylinder of calcium carbonate hanging from a cave floor, tsunami - a cataclysm resulting from a destructive sea wave, universe - all known matter, energy, and space., valley - a long depression in the surface of the land, wetland - a low area where the land is saturated with water, xeric woodland - land covered with trees near a desert., yardang - a streamlined protuberance carved from bedrock or any consolidated or semi-consolidated material by the dual action of wind abrasion and erosion, especially one found in a desert., zephyr - a slight wind,

A - Z Vocabularies about Geography and Climate

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