pantry - I checked the __________ for a healthy snack to bring to school., glorious - The sunset was ____________ ; I could not keep my eyes off of the beautiful view. , covert - The criminal planned secretly so no one would discover his _______________ plans., hideous - The little boy cried when he saw the _____________ beast., defiant - The child was upset and ____________; he did not listen to his parents when they asked him to clean his room., ignorant - My little sister was ______________ of the rules of the playground and pushed and shoved the other kids playing. , empathy - My teacher showed me ____________ when she asked about how my grandma was doing. , audible - I read in an __________ voice so that my classmates could hear the story and the teacher didn't have to ask me to repeat myself., dismay - The students threw their hands up in ___________ when they saw the picture of a cauliflower ear. , quest - The student's _____________ for earning their license to ink did not stop until they reached their goal!,

Anagram ch.34-42


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