1) I … in class 4a 2) Peter and John … twins 3) We … British 4) My grandparents … in London 5) My aunt … a teacher 6) My cousins … Luke and Mike 7) Peter … thirteen 8) My trainers … yellow 9) you … my best friend 10) It … Thursday today 11) She … my grandma 12) Mr Stevenson … my English teacher 13) My friends and I … in the same class 14) My cats … Tilly and Lilly 15) My uncle and my aunt … doctors 16) This book … great! 17) My cousins … tall 18) My grandad … short 19) My best friend … pretty 20) They … brothers 21) He … a teacher 22) My little sister … three 23) They … from Hungary 24) It … an apple 25) It … an exercise book 26) We … in class 4

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