姿势 - n. pose, posture, 反应 - v. /n. to react; response, 金属 - n. metal, 善于 - v. to be good at, 打猎 - v. to go hunting, 蹲 - v. to squat, to crouch, 摇 - v. to wave; to shake, 摆 - v. to put, to set in order, 连续 - v. to be continous, 忽然 - adv. suddenly, 不要紧 - (fixed exp.) it doesn't matter, 尽(力) - v. to try one's best, 确定 - v. to confirm, 硬 - adj. hard, tough, 碎 - v./adj.to break into pieces; broken, 便 - adv. to indicate sth. comes naturally under certain condition, 全神贯注 - to concentrate on, 精诚所至,金石为开 - no difficulty is insurmountable if one sets his/her mind on it,

L7 生词2 HSK5下


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