1) A form of behavioural therapy based on operant conditioning, using symbolic markers which can be accumulated. a) Aversion therapy b) Systematic desensitisation c) Token economy d) Cognitive behavioural therapy 2) Decreasing the occurrence of an undesired response through addition of an unpleasant stimulus. a) Positive reinforcement b) Positive punishment c) Negative reinforcement d) Negative punishment 3) A type of learning in which one learns to associate a reflexive response with a (normally) unrelated stimulus. a) Operant conditioning b) Social-cognitive learning c) Observational learning d) Classical conditioning 4) A naturally occurring response to an unconditioned stimulus, such as salivation when food is in the mouth. a) Unconditioned response b) Neutral stimulus c) Conditioned response d) Conditioned stimulus 5) Diminishing of a conditioned response, when a response is no longer reinforced (operant) or the CS is not paired with the UCS (classical). a) Spontaneous recovery b) Extinction c) Stimulus discrimination d) Unlearning 6) In operant conditioning, any event that weakens or diminishes the behaviour that follows. a) Reward b) Reinforcement c) Punishment d) Consequence 7) A stimulus that gains its reinforcing power through its association with a primary reinforcer. a) Consequence b) Sensory input c) Award d) Secondary reinforcer 8) learning which occurs through watching a demonstrated behaviour and imitating (modelling) it at a later time.  a) Social learning b) Observational learning c) Retained learning d) Imitational learning 9) Control group in the Bobo doll experiment. a) Children who did not watch a video b) Children who watched a video of an adult acting neutrally c) Children who watched a video of an adult acting aggressively d) Children who watched a cartoon model instead 10) The name for the process of encoding a relevant action that is modelled. a) Attention b) Motor reproduction c) Motivation d) Retention

Year 12 ATAR Psychology - Memory and Learning

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