speed limit - maximum speed you can legally drive, carbon emissions - release of carbon dioxide, or CO2. , challenging - arousing competitive interest, thought, or action, leather - material made from the skin of an animal, pedicabs - small pedal-operated vehicles, serving as a taxi in some countries, rush-hour - a time during each day when traffic is at its heaviest, city centre - the central part of an area, hard-working - tending to work with energy and commitmen, foil - a piece of a very thin metal sheet used to wrap food., pedestrian - someone who travels on foot, traffic jam - long line of vehicles on a road stopped moving or are moving very slowly, container ships - ship specially designed to transport large metal boxes containing goods, melt - make or become liquefied by heat, cab - a vehicle that carries paying passengers, fuel costs - the average price per gallon of motor fuel divided by the miles per gallon fuel efficiency of a motor vehicle., e-rubbish - discarded electrical or electronic devices or components., rickshaw - a small covered 2-wheeled vehicle usually for one passenger that is pulled by one man, book - reserve (accommodation, a place, etc.); buy (a ticket) in advance,

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