Goal of pressure ulcer prevention and treatment - To relieve the pressure and provide optimal nutrition/hydration, Nursing interventions to prevent ulcers - Reposition Q2hrs, wrinkle free linen, lift not drag, skin dry and clean, pressure relieving devices. HOB below 30degrees, Complication of pressure ulcers - Systematic infection, progressing to next wound stage, Food that increase gas - cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, apple, Food that increase risk for constipation - Cheese, pasta, eggs., Factors that affect GI motility - Age, diet, level of activity, pregnancy, pain, opioids, personal habits, Bowel incontinence - Inability to control defecation, often caused by diarrhea. Provide perineal care after each stool and apply a moisture barrier., Hemorrhoids - Hemorrhoids are engorged, dilated blood vessels in the rectal wall from difficult defecation. be itchy, painful, and bloody after defecation., Intervention for hemorrhoids - Use moist wipes for cleansing the perianal area, and apply ointments or creams as prescribed. Use a sitz bath or ice pack to promote relief from hemorrhoid discomfort., Client care for ileostomy  - empty bag when 2/3 full, assess stoma-beefy red, dry, intact, cut diameter big enough to fit stoma through, assess for leakage, chnage q2/3 days , Paralytic ileus - is an intestinal obstruction caused by reduced motility following bowel manipulation during surgery, electrolyte imbalance, wound infection, or by the effects of medication, Complications of ileostomy - pale, purple, black stoma, excoriation, leakage/odor, Key GI assessment data - Bowel frequency, Bowel sounds, diet, blood in stool, stool specimen- not mixed with urine., Occult blood testing (guaiac test) - Place small amounts of stool on the windows of the test card or as directed. Add few drops of developer..., Nursing consideration for colonoscopy - Clear liquids only and a bowel cleanser., Constipation Interventions - Fiber, lots of fluids, exercise, bulk-forming products, if not working stool softer>laxative>enema, Diarrhea intervention - Find source and treat, lost fluid replace lost, medications, no antidiarrhea medications if C. diff or , Bowel elimination for admitted clients - set aside time for defecation, provide privacy, assist client to a sitting position, for fracture pan 30 degrees, skin care, Cleansing enema-nursing actions - The height of the bag above the rectum determines the depth of cleansing. Slow the flow of solution by lowering the container or clamp if the client reports cramping, or if fluid leaks around the tube at the anus., Retention enema-nursing actions - Ask client to retain the solution for the prescribed amount of time, or until the client is no longer able to retain it, Healthy Stoma - It should appear moist, shiny, and pink. The peristomal area should be intact, and the skin should appear healthy., Complication of diarrhea - lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance e.g. hypokalemia, Signs of dehydration - weak, rapid pulse; hypotension; poor skin turgor; elevated body temperature, Indication for Nasogastric tube - decompression, feeding, lavage, compression, Confirming placement for NG tube - Aspiration of gastric juice for pH and x-ray (must), Inpatient bowel elimination devices - Bedpan, fracture bedpan, bedside commode-unable to walk to the toilet.,

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