a form of protection - What is copyright?, 70 years after the death of the author or artist - How Long Does Copyright Protection Last?, Creative work that is not copyrighted and is free for you to use however you want - What is public domain?, creative commons - A kind of copyright that makes it easier for people to copy, share, and build on your creative work, as long as they give you credit for it., piracy - Stealing copyrighted work by downloading or copying it in order to keep, sell, or give it away without permission and without paying., This symbol is copyright, derivative work - A comic book character who is later in a movie can be an example of a, responsible - Liability means, This symbol is trademark, This symbol is creative commons, This symbol is for Attribution, This symbol is for Non Commercial, This symbol is for No Derivatives , This symbol is for Share Alike, You can use the work without getting permission. - How would you summarize Public Domain?, Fair Use - Which of the following is/are defense(s) to copyright infringement?, be original and fixed in a tangible form. - For a work to be protected under copyright, it must:, Band Name - Can you identify the example that CANNOT be protected by copyright?, Have a physical record of the work. - hat fact would you select to copyright music, a dance routine or a play?, Trademark - If I want to protect a distinctive word, phrase or image that identifies a product of a particular business I would apply for a:,

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