persecution - (noun) unfair treatment because of someone's religious beliefs, freedom - (noun) the right to act, speak or think without limits, allies - (noun-plural) people or countries who help and support each other, a peace treaty - (noun) a written agreement between countries so that they don't fight each other, traditional - (adj) done this way for a long time, habitual, European - (noun) a person who was born in or has citizenship in Europe, harvest - (noun) crops gathered from the land, such as grains and vegetables, ceremony - (noun) a celebration honouring a religious day or special event, Native - (noun) a persion who belongs to a group that first settled a region, starvation - (noun) not having enough food, disease - (noun) a health disorder, survive - (verb) to contine to live, to not die, celebrate - (verb) to express excitement about something, the Pilgrims - (noun) the group of English people who sailed to America, floats - (noun-plural) large vehicles that are decorated and used in parades, a feast - (noun) a large, special meal for a lot of people to celebrate something, Pilgrim - (noun) a person who travels somewhere for religious purposes,

Thanksgiving Vocabulary (Crossword)

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