V následujícím cvičení rozhodujte, zda do dané věty patří příslovce (adverb) nebo přídavné jméno (adjective). V závorce na konci věty je vždy nápověda ve tvaru přídavného jména. Na vás je rozhodnutí kde ve větě a jestli použít přídavné jméno nebo příslovce: např. I speak English ____. (good) např. This is ____ wrong. (moral) There was some ____ rain last night. - Yes, it rained very ____. (heavy) Aren’t the children ____! - Yes, they’re working very ____. (quiet) James has a ____ voice. - Yes, he always talks very ____. (loud) Isn’t the teacher ____! - Yes, he’s shouting very ____. (angry) She’s laughing very ____. - Yes, Angela’s very ____ today! (happy) The telephone rang in the middle of the night. Nick was very ____. - He answered it very ____. (sleepy) She’s playing this piece very ____. - Yes, Kate likes playing ____ music. (slow) This exercise is ____ (jednoduchý) These people are speaking ____(tichý) Mr Brown can speak English ____(dobrý) Tigers are ____ animals (odvážný) The footballer is ____(unavený) Cheetahs run ____(rychlý) The children are playing ____ (šťastný) He always does his homework ____(pečlivý) He is a very ____ student (pečlivý) Come ____. We need your help (rychlý) You should drive more ____ along this road (pomalý) Mr Gonzales has a ____ visa (trvalý) He hopes to remain in this country ____(trvalý) This is an ____ exercise (jednoduchý) I can do all of these exercises ____(jednoduchý) Helen works very ____ in her new job (tvrdý) You walk very ____(rychlý) They are both ____ students (vážný) They both study English very ____(vážný) I agree with you ____ on that matter (kompletní) This apple is very ____(jemný) She always speaks ____ to the child (jemný) Helen is a ____ girl. Her sister plays the violin ____ (krásný)

Adverbs or Adjectives?

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