re- - back or again (return), pre- - before (premade), -able - able (respectable), -ing - action, process (jumping), dis- - not, away, apart (dislike), un- - not, opposite of (unhapy), in- - in or on (inside), de- - down or away from (deplane), em- - within (embrace), pro- - forward, earlier (project), con- - together, with, jointly (connect), ex- - out or away (exit), -ure - state or, process (adventure), -ty - state or quality of (libtery), -y - inclined to (cloudy), -ion - act of, state of, result of (adoption), -ly - like or manner of (friendly), mis- - bad or wrong (mistake), -er - one who or more (teacher, bigger), -est - most (biggest),

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