1) If I could change one thing about myself... 2) If I had more time... 3) If I were given three wishes... 4) If I had only 24 hours to live... 5) If I had enough money... 6) If I could live anywhere in the world... 7) If I had to give up one thing I enjoy... 8) If I could have a superpower... 9) If I didn't need sleep... 10) If I could spend a day with any celebrity... 11) If men had babies... 12) If I could stay one age forever... 13) If I were the teacher... 14) If I had time to take up a new hobby... 15) If I were invisible for a day... 16) If I could have any job... 17) If I were an animal... 18) If it rained every day, all day for a month... 19) If I were suddenly 20 years older than I am now... 20) If you were the opposite gender...

Second Conditional - Finish the sentences...


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