Is there any English or Polish word that always makes you laugh or you find bizarre? What is it and why?, If you could go back to any stage of your life and keep the knowledge you have today – would you do it? If yes, why. If no, why not?, You've just won a lottery! What's your first move after you collect it?, If you could, in an instant, become fluent in any language of the world ... what language would you choose and why?, You are granted one wish by a stray gold fish. What is your wish and why?, Do you have any favourite genre of movies? What do you like the most about them?, You get a super power of your choice for a weekend „test drive” - what do you pick and how you use it? , You can become an animal of your liking for a day – what animal would you choose and why?, Who is/was the person or persons, you owe the most in your life? Can you say why you think that way?, You can travel in time, to any moment in time you wish and stay there for a week – which year will you go to and why?, What was humanity's biggest mistake that you can think of? Can you explain why you think that way?, You get abducted by aliens, they promise to release you if you impress them enough. How do you go about it?, What is humanity's greatest achievement? Can you say why you think that way?, Do you often procrastinate? Why do you think we do it (when we do it)? Is something wrong with the task or maybe we are the problem?, What is your view? You made an embarrassing mistake at work, which cannot be undone. Only you know about it for now – how do you proceed? Keep it quiet and hope for the best or admit it to someone or maybe you take another route? , What should we listen to more – the heart or the mind? Or maybe both, or none? Can you say what you think and why?, Would you say human kind is the most evolved species or we simply don't understand the sophistication of other kinds such as dolphins etc., We face some big issues in the world today. What should humanity focus on solving first and why would you make it the priority?.



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