Cheap - Costing little money. Example: I always buy the cheapest brand of cereal., Popular - Liked, enjoyed, or supported by many people. Example: Madonna is the most popular singer in 80th., Crowded - Full of people, leaving little or no room for movement; packed. Example: On New Year's Eve, the town square was crowded with people., Polluted - Contaminated with harmful or poisonous substances. Example: Efforts are underway to clean up the polluted river., Quiet - Not noisy. Example: Libraries are quiet places. , Ugly - Not beautiful. Example: James is nice, but ugly., Dirty - Not clean. Example: My hand is dirty from the dust., Expensive - Costing a lot of money. Example: This computer is very expensive., Noisy - A sound or sounds, especially when it is unwanted, unpleasant, or loud. Example: Mike didn't like going to the city because it was always so noisy.,


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